Louisa Belle Bio

Louisa-Belle is 22 years old.  She is the mother of Spitfire. She is a Dominant Personality on the DISC model of Human Behavior. She enjoys doing tasks and staying active. She has high energy and is impatient at times especially when waiting for something or someone when tied up. She sets good boundaries with others and makes the other horses respect her space. She is protective of her herd(Dolly and Duchess). She likes to motivate Dolly and teach Dutchess lessons on respect. She loves to be first and in the top of the herd pecking order. She is protective of her space and food. She likes to be demanding sometimes for attention or treats. If she has an issue with you she will state it through her body language especially her ears. She like to be in charge. If you let her she will tell you what to do and what she wants.  She still likes the occasional ride. She likes to do groundwork and loves to be brushed, massaged, and eat grass. She is good with people. She is gentle, smart, and very responsive. She likes her own way. 


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